Economic Relations Between Saudi Arabia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and the objectives
Trade between the Kingdom and Bosnia and Herzegovina fluctuated during the period from 2018 to 2022, as follows:
- The Kingdom's trade with Bosnia and Herzegovina has shown improvement over the last three years, rising from 59.3 million riyals in 2020 to 236.4 million riyals in 2022.
- The trade balance between the Kingdom and Bosnia and Herzegovina tends to favor the latter, as it has consistently experienced a deficit from 2018 to 2022, ranging from 50 million riyals at the beginning of the period to 224 million riyals by the end.
- The deficit in the trade balance between the Kingdom and Bosnia and Herzegovina is attributed to a significant decrease in our exports to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which did not exceed 6.1 million riyals, compared to a significantly higher figure for the Kingdom's imports from Bosnia and Herzegovina, reaching 230.3 million riyals.
- In 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked 134th in terms of trading partners for the Kingdom in the list of exports, the same ranking in the non-oil exports list, and 83rd in the list of imports.
The most important exports include:
Wood and its products.
Iron and steel and their products.
The most important imports include:
1. Weapons, ammunition, parts, and accessories.
2. Inorganic chemical products; organic or inorganic compounds.
3. Paper and cardboard; products of paper pulp.
4. Wood and its products; wood charcoal.