Distribution of Foreign Trade
(The Main Exports and Export Partners)
The export volume in 2022 was 724 million dollars.
The ranking in exports globally in 2021 was 165th.
The main exported goods are as follows:
Dried legumes: 7.7%
Electricity: 9.1%
Aluminum: 12.4%
Copper ore: 14.1%
The primary export partners are:
Switzerland: 7.7%
Pakistan: 9.4%
Spain: 11.3%
Serbia: 15.7%
(The Main Imported and Import Partners)
The import volume in 2022 was 3.704 billion dollars.
The ranking in imports globally in 2021 was 150th.
The main Imported goods are as follows:
Cars: 3%
Packaged pharmaceuticals: 3.1%
Electricity: 3.6%
Refined petroleum: 10%
The primary Import partners are:
China: 7.1%
Croatia: 7.4%
Greece: 9.5%
Serbia: 25.7%